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Warriors Orochi 4 Faq

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by neikunsmymar1979 2020. 3. 16. 14:46


Warriors Orochi - Orochi FAQ. WARRIORS OROCHI - Orochi FAQ. Version 1.00. Created by Mythril Wyrm. Table of Contents I. Update History II. Legal Notice/Disclaimer III.

  1. Gamestop

About Orochi A. In History B. In Warriors Orochi IV.

Unlocking Orochi V. Using Orochi A. Orochi's Moveset 1. Regular Attacks 2. Charge Attacks 3.

Mounted Attacks 4. Special & Musou Attacks B. Maximizing Orochi's Effectiveness VI.

Orochi's Collectibles A. Life Drainer 3. Spirit Reaper 4. Eternal Agony C.

Personal Item 1. Pointers VII. Questions & Answers VIII. Special Thanks IX. Contacting Me To skip to a specific section, press Ctrl + F, type in a section name, and press Enter.

I. Update History v1.00 - Completed all sections. There probably won't be any further updates unless someone sends me corrections. II.

Legal Notice/Disclaimer This FAQ is copyright 2007 by Devin McCain. At this time, only the following websites have permission to host this FAQ: GameFAQs (IGN (Neoseeker (Super Cheats (Please notify me as soon as possible if you find it posted anywhere else. If you want to post this FAQ on your own website, you must obtain my permission in writing and agree to leave the FAQ completely unchanged. If you post it without my permission or change it and try to pass it off as your own, there will be unpleasant consequences when I find out. Feel free to print a copy of this FAQ for personal use, but do not publish or distribute it with intent to turn a profit on it. I'm sharing it free of charge, so please respect that.

All other copyrights and trademarks mentioned in this FAQ are the property of their respective owners. I do not claim to own any of them. This FAQ may contain spoilers. Continue reading at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any embarrassment, injuries, or deaths that result from the use of this FAQ or any of the information contained herein.

If you're that stupid, it's your own damn fault. Now, let's move on to the fun stuff. III. About Orochi A. In History The following information about Orochi is taken from Wikipedia: 'Yamata no Orochi ('big snake of eight branches'; often called Orochi or the Eight-Forked Serpent in English) is a dragon- or serpent-like creature in Japanese mythology. In the ancient Japanese scripture, the Kojiki, after Susa-no-O is expelled from Heaven, he encounters two Kuni-tsu-Kami ('earthly deities') near the head of the Hi-i-gawa ('Hi'i river') in Izumo Province.

They are weeping because they have had to give the Orochi one of their daughters once every year, and now they must sacrifice their eighth and last, whose name is Kushi-inada-hime. The monster is described as having eight heads and eight tails and eyes as red as winter-cherries.

It is so long its body extends over eight valleys and eight hills, its belly is always bloody and inflamed, and its back is covered with hikage (clubmoss), hinoki (Japanese cypress), and sugi (Japanese cedar). Susa-no-O asks for Kushi-inada-hime's hand in marriage, and then transforms her into a comb (kushi) which he places in his hair. He then asks her parents to brew some sake that has been refined eight times, and then build a round enclosure with eight gates, each with a platform and a sake vat. They fill the sake vats and wait, and sure enough the Orochi appears. It dips a head into each vat, and is soon intoxicated, allowing Susa-no-O to cut it into pieces. When he cuts the middle tail, his sword is chipped, and there he finds the legendary sword, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi.' In Warriors Orochi Orochi, Lord of Serpents, is the game's primary antagonist.

He used his awesome powers to warp time and space and merge the Three Kingdoms and Sengoku eras into one. In this new world, he and his serpent warriors test their mettle in battle with the heroes of both eras. With the strategies of Da Ji and the might of warriors such as Lu Bu and Keiji Maeda at his disposal, Orochi is a nearly unstoppable force of destruction. IV. Unlocking Orochi Orochi will become available for use after you have unlocked every other character. V. Using Orochi A.

Orochi's Moveset These are the attacks that will be available to Orochi once his full combo has been unlocked. Some attacks will vary if his full combo has not yet been unlocked. Regular Attacks S - A right-to-left downward slash. Orochi becomes invincible while performing this attack. SS - Orochi strikes the ground with the head of his scythe, creating a shockwave that damages all surrounding enemies.

SSS - A spinning slash. Hits 270 degrees. SSSS - A left-to-right upward slash.

SSSSS - A right-to-left slash. SSSSSS - A spinning slash. Hits 270 degrees. SSSSSSS - A left-to-right upward slash.

SSSSSSSS - A right-to-left slash. SSSSSSSSS - Orochi fires a ball of dark energy straight ahead, launching all enemies in his path into the air. X + S - Orochi hurls a fireball at the ground, launching all enemies he strikes into the air. Has an innate Flame effect. Dash attack - A right-to-left downward slash.

Charge Attacks C1 / T - Orochi strikes the ground with the head of his scythe, producing a shockwave that knocks away all surrounding enemies. C1 / TT - Orochi hurls a fireball along the ground. Has an innate Flame effect. C1 / TTT - Orochi waves his hand from left to right, firing purple lightning from his palm. Knocks the enemy down. C2 / ST - Orochi crouches down and concentrates, creating a shockwave that launches all surrounding enemies into the air.

C2 / STT - Orochi does a left-to-right downward slash with his scythe. C2 / STTT - Orochi does a right-to-left slash with his scythe, knocking away all surrounding enemies. C3 / SST - Orochi fires a spread of ice balls in front of him. Has an innate Ice effect. C3 / SSTT - Orochi stomps the ground, producing a small shockwave that launches all enemies in front of him into the air. C3 / SSTTT - Orochi flies forward and does a spinning attack with his scythe, launching all enemies he strikes into the air. C4 / SSST - Orochi lunges forward and does a right-to-left slash with his scythe.

C4 / SSSTT - Orochi lunges forward and does a left-to-right upward slash with his scythe. C4 / SSSTTT - Orochi hovers in the air and surrounds himself with an aura of dark energy, knocking away all surrounding enemies. X + T - Orochi does a spinning buzzsaw attack into the ground, producing a shockwave that knocks away all surrounding enemies. Mounted Attacks SSSS(SSSS) - A series of slashes off the right side of the horse. T - Orochi's horse leaps into the air, knocking away all enemies around it when it lands. ST - An upward slash. Launches the enemy into the air.

SST - An upward slash. Stuns the enemy. SSST - An upward slash. Launches the enemy into the air.

Musou - Orochi's horse charges forward at high speed, knocking away anyone in its path. Special & Musou Attacks R1 - Orochi calls forth two clones of himself, which perform overhead strikes with their scythes in unison with him.

Musou - Orochi crouches down and concentrates, producing energy waves that launch all nearby enemies into the air. Ends with a shockwave that knocks away all surrounding enemies and a slash that makes Orochi temporarily invincible. True musou - Same as regular musou, but adds three quick slashes before the final shockwave and slash. Maximizing Orochi's Effectiveness Orochi's most noticeable weakness is his speed.

His heavy armor makes him a slow runner, so he's not the best choice for clearing great distances quickly. He's also a rather poor juggler. Apart from these minor weaknesses, Orochi is fiendishly powerful. He's a Power type who excels at both dueling and crowd control, but it can take some time to familiarize yourself with his moveset.


His regular combo is fast and provides excellent coverage, and it's quite possible to blaze through a battle using nothing but regular attacks. The delay before the final blow, however, makes it dangerous to use in the middle of a crowd, so be careful when spamming S on higher difficulty settings. C2 works fairly well against enemy generals and small groups of peons, but it pales in comparison to Orochi's other charge at- tacks.

There's little reason to use it frequently unless you're determined to juggle your foes to death. C3 is invaluable in duels; the ice balls do great damage at point-blank range, and frozen foes will be much easier to tear apart with a special or musou attack. SSTT and SSTTT work better as escape moves when you're surrounded by peons. C4, due to the lunges and area attack at the end, is a great way to cut through or escape from large crowds. Use it freely when surrounded.

Your air charge works very well against Base Captains, since it can usually break their shields with one hit. If you really want to use Orochi to his full potential, however, C1 should be your staple move.

The initial shock- wave executes slowly, but it hits in a large area, does massive damage, and puts a lot of space between you and your enemies. TT and TTT are best used to rip through enemy generals after pinning them against a wall.

All told, your best bet is to use C1, C4, and regular attacks to cleave through peon hordes and C1, C3, and your musou to dispatch generals. Don't waste too much time with your special; as wicked as it looks, it's far less useful than your musou. I recommend adding the following special effects to Orochi's weapon: Absorb - Stealing musou means you get to use your musou more often. Agility - Allows you to execute charge attacks more quickly, making C1 even more deadly. Brave - Doing more damage to generals is good for anyone.

Flash - Unblockable charge attacks. Need I say more? Might - Doing more damage to everyone is good for anyone.

Rage - If your enemies clobber you to the brink of death, you'll make them wish they'd finished the job. Range - Allows you to hit more enemies at once and increases the margin of error on your attacks. Slay - Invaluable for toppling your fellow juggernauts. You'll understand once you see it in action.

If the suggestions above don't suit your playing style, try these instead: Air - Increases the power of C2 and the last two hits of C3. Consider it as a replacement for Rage or Range. Drain - Good for increasing your lasting power.

Consider it as a replacement for Rage. VI. Orochi's Collectibles A. Boost Requirements: Defeat 60 enemies. Acclaim Requirements: Defeat 3 officers, while maintaining 30% Life Gauge status.

Refill Requirements: Defeat 3 officers, within 10 minutes of the start of the battle, without performing any attack using the Musou Gauge. Tips: Abuse C1 and C2. Potence Requirements: Defeat 160 enemies, including 6 officers. Tips: Go all-out. Sickle Base Attack: 12 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. Life Drainer Base Attack: 24 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. Spirit Reaper Base Attack: 48 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary.

Eternal Agony Base Attack: 97 Attack bonus, effects, and number of slots will vary. Personal Item 1. Overview Item: Serpent's Elixir Scenario: SW Chapter 8-X - Battle of Bai Di Castle Requirements: Defeat the four generals in and around Bai Di Castle and all of the reinforcement generals within 8:00 of the start of the battle.

All allied generals must survive. Location: On the eastern central path, close to where Kotaro Fuma appears. My Method As soon as the battle began, I bolted east and sliced up Sidewinder, then made my way south and cut down Kotaro Fuma when he appeared.

I followed the path to the south gate of Bai Di Castle, defeating Lu Kuang to open the gate, then defeated the Defense Captains at the east and north gates to make Sadaoki Ise and Lu Xiang charge inside. I lured them over to Boomslang and annihilated all three, then left the castle through the east gate and cut my way south through Murashige Araki. I saved No and her escort from Yan Pu and Cao Xing, then made my way back to the castle and dealt with Yan Baihu.

I left through the south gate and chased down Magobei Fuse, then followed the path west and north until I ran into Yasuie Namikawa, Tatsuoki Saito, Hooknose, Patchnose, and Yoshimasa Oka. I obliterated all of them and secured the item, which appeared right next to me. I hastened south to stop Morishige Tsuchihashi and Lu Bu from getting too close to the castle, at which point Orochi appeared to my southwest.

I carved a path through Diamondback, Hognose, and Da Ji to reach them, then sent him back to the netherwold. 46 Orochi, a Lv. 33 Da Ji, and a Lv. 60 Zuo Ci, I was able to obtain the item and finish the battle in 12:16. Pointers Defeating the generals is easy; reaching them all within the time limit and be- fore they defeat your allies is a little harder. Equip Impulse and/or Cavalier, and consider bringing a faster teammate for good measure.

The northern route looks more direct, but the extra time you'll spend working your way through the maze and killing the Sorcerer to get out just isn't worth the effort. The southern route is actually quicker, but you'll have to defeat Kotaro Fuma when he appears unless you want him to beat the tar out of your allies. You can save time and lives by luring Lu Xiang and Sadaoki Ise into the castle before you defeat Boomslang; the enemy reinforcements do a lot of talking when they show up, and it's easy for your allies to get routed while you're waiting for the talking to end and the castle gates to open.

Other than that, just be sure that Orochi is at a high enough level to make quick work of all the enemy generals you have to fight, because every second counts when trying to get this item. Like all Personal Items, the Serpent's Elixir can be obtained in Story Mode or Free Mode on any difficulty setting.

VII. Questions & Answers Q: Why a Orochi FAQ? A: It hadn't been done yet, and I think he's a fun character to use.

Q: Orochi sucks! His attacks are too hard to aim! A: That's not a question, and it's not even true. It takes time to adjust to his style, but he's extremely powerful once you learn it.

Q: Orochi is broken. A: That's still not a question.and really, did you expect anything less from the main villain? Q: If he's so overpowered, why do you use him? Don't you like a challenge? A: Yes, but using Orochi's a good way to relieve stress. Q: Why can't I get a 4th weapon for Orochi? A: Because you're a pansy.

Q: Seriously, what do I need to do to get one? A: Play any battle on Chaos mode, or any battle with a difficulty rating of three stars or more on Hard mode. They'll randomly appear in weapon boxes. Q: I fulfilled the requirements to obtain the Serpent's Elixir, but I didn't get it!

A: Make sure that none of your allies are defeated, and that you personally de- feat all of the required generals within the 8:00 time limit. Q: Your FAQ sucks! I've crapped out better FAQs than this! A: As soon as you find a way to upload excrement, you should post your wondrous creation for all to see. Q: I posted my FAQ, and everyone I know thinks it's better than yours!

Your FAQ really DOES suck! A: Congratulations! I am in awe of your superior FAQ-writing skills!

Q: This is the best FAQ I've ever read! You're a genius and a god among men, and I want to know more about you so that I can immortalize you! A: Yeah, I get that a lot. My contact info's listed below. Q: A: See the second sentence of my previous answer.

VIII. Special Thanks I would like to thank.KOEI and Omega Force, for creating Dynasty Warriors, Samurai Warriors, and Warriors Orochi.Wikipedia (for providing information about the mythological Orochi.KWMrHonda, for his informative and well-written Personal Items FAQ.my friends, for helping me unlock many of the game's secrets.CJayC of GameFAQs, for posting this FAQ.Leo Chan of Neoseeker, for posting this FAQ.Dennis of Super Cheats, for posting this FAQ.the folks at IGN, for posting this FAQ.you, for reading this FAQ. IX. Contacting Me If you want to get in touch with me, send an e-mail to mythrilwyrm@gmail.com.

Be sure to put the word 'FAQ' in the subject line of your e-mail, or I'm likely to mistake it for spam and delete it. I check my e-mail every day, so you should receive a reply quickly in most cases. I accept praise, corrections, and constructive criticism, and will give you credit for any information you share with me that I decide to add to the FAQ. Rude, crass, or incomprehensible e-mails will be ignored or shamelessly ridiculed as my mood dictates, so keep your e-mails clear and polite if you want me to respond in kind. I also use AIM occasionally.

If you want my Screen Name, ask for it via e-mail. Happy gaming!

. Summary: Pick from 170 characters: Heroes gather from the Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors Universes. Assume the Power of the Gods: Enjoy brand new Musou action.

Sacred treasures empowered by a miraculous power enable characters to evoke magic attacks. The infamous one versus thousands battle Pick from 170 characters: Heroes gather from the Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors Universes. Assume the Power of the Gods: Enjoy brand new Musou action. Sacred treasures empowered by a miraculous power enable characters to evoke magic attacks.

The infamous one versus thousands battle action sees new additions. The honest truth is that despite being a lot older, Orochi 3 is the game I'd prefer to play over Warriors Orochi 4.

It feels more fully featured, more well-designed, more interesting to play, and it has a more interesting cast. If you're burned out on Orochi 3, then Orochi 4 might give you a nice fix. It's not a bad game — just a very by-the-numbers entry in the series. Fans of the franchise will probably get their usual enjoyment out of it, but there's little to strongly recommend it over most of the recent Warriors games. Warriors Orochi 4 is neither the best nor the worst of the Mosou genre. It has a giant character roster and new gameplay possibilities for everyone of them, a long campaign and the inexplicable sense of fun and exaltation of games crafted by Tecmo-Koei.

But it also retains all the flaws of its genre, together with a slow narrative and a menu system that will not please everyone. Only those who really appreciate mosou will find themselves attracted to this game. Others (and newcomers too) should look to other representatives of this genre. Warriors Orochi 4 is a disappointingly cheap sequel. Stripped back and basic, it feels like a quick and easy apology aimed at fans who were left disgruntled by the dire Dynasty Warriors 9. There's still enjoyment to be found here, with the series' trademark action holding strong, but poor presentation and unstable performance drag the experience down. Koei Tecmo really needs to get its Warriors games back on track, but until that happens, you're better off nabbing the far superior Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate.


As a veteran of the series, stemming clear back to the original 1v1 Dynasty Warriors, I have been through the entire journey, including the As a veteran of the series, stemming clear back to the original 1v1 Dynasty Warriors, I have been through the entire journey, including the abomination that was Dynasty Warriors 9. For years the series (excluding the special spinoffs) have been losing their magic for me - the magic that I felt the first time I played Dynasty Warriors 2 on my brand new PS2, or the mind blowing experience of DW3 and so on.

Orochi 4 has done the impossible and brought back that nostalgia, and somehow given us the dream Warriors game with a level of polished never seen before in the series. If you are a fan of the series, even slightly, then you would be doing yourself a great disservice by not experiencing what I would argue is the best in the series you. This game is great. Is it the best? Is it lazy in some areas? Is it, most importantly, fun? I've been playing the Warriors This game is great.

Is it the best? Is it lazy in some areas? Is it, most importantly, fun? I've been playing the Warriors Orochi games forever and played every Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors, even the dreaded 9. People will say this game does not have anywhere NEAR as much content as WO3U and I will AGREE to that. But, this is the base game and comparing it to base Warriors Orochi 3 is much more fair. In that sense, content is still lacking here with no camp and low budget interfaces, but if you can get past that, the gameplay this time around is so much better.

The magic mechanics are great and add depth to the combat. I would only suggest to play on HARD because NORMAL is unbelievably easy. Otherwise as a Koei fan, I love this game so far. Warriors Orochi 4 is a product that aims to wash away the aftertaste of Dynasty Warriors 9. It is almost an excuse, but it is an excuse that Warriors Orochi 4 is a product that aims to wash away the aftertaste of Dynasty Warriors 9.

It is almost an excuse, but it is an excuse that the publisher uses for not having spent much, but at the time sex earn more money. For those unfamiliar with the title, the Warriors Orochi series focuses on mixing Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors together. A plot that involves time travel and divine beings serves as an excuse to bring together all the characters from both properties in one game, and then we'll find ourselves with really huge lists of playable characters.