How can you determine whether or not your existing measurement system is 'good enough' for your application?
None of the forms (found in the AIAG PPAP manual, 4th Edition) are mandatory.CFG-1003 is for PPAP dimensional reports.CFG-1004 is for material test results.CFG-1005 is for performance test results.The first is self-explanatory (I hope).Material test results are test results for (e.g.) raw materials, and other design record material specifications. Often a supplier's cert is substituted for the form, although they usually don't meet all of the requirements specified in the PPAP manual. If a customer requires use of the form, sometimes the information from the supplier's certs/test results are transferred to the form, and the supplier cert is kept but not submitted.CFG-1005 is for performance test results. Performance tests are for things such as corrosion resistance, impact resistance, flammability, environmental exposure, etc.